Kind soul

Created by K 10 months ago
One of our Ukrainian AOL teacher was asking around for  a UK national to sponsor a family member under the  refugee status program — to attend University of Dundee. On their behalf I reached out to a few people, but didn’t get anywhere. Finally I got hold of Mary’s contact to see what was possible for her.
I connected the Ukrainian family with Mary. A
few weeks later I was happily surprised to learn from our Ukrainian teacher that Mary managed to arrange UK visa sponsorship and accommodations until the University allocated campus housing. What an Angel. No questions or if, or buts. She quietly  just got to work to support another human. 

A few weeks or so after this at Bad Antogast, i overheard someone say … ‘Mary and her husband are on the course at the ashram. ‘ I walked around to look for them. Couldn’t see Mary around. I have not meet Jaime before but I recognize a smiling face in Spring Hall and ran to him to introduce myself. I knew such a warm smiling individual had to be Mary’s life partner. 

What a gift to have such blessings to walk on the path with you Mary.
Thoughts of you linger in the heart often. Let it be that you, Jaime, family and friends are all in contentment and always moving in the right direction of knowledge & love.